Psychdigg wrote:
"Lee:It isn't fair to speculate on the antics of a person who goes on a rampage. You can't blame organizations for the behavior of a crazy person unless they advocate the kind of acting out you are suggesting. The Watchtower does not tell people to return evil for evil. The Watchtower could change into the kind of "open" organization you desire and it still could be the victim of someone who goes crazy. I don't see the Watchtower as behaving much differently from General Motors, The Red Cross, or any other human organization." ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Why is it not fair? It seems to me that it is not only fair but also pragmatic. A wise person, or organization, carefully considers how their actions are affecting others. Your analogy of the WTS to GM or the Red Cross is false. If these organizations
terminate a member or employee, they do not forbid other members (including family members) from speaking to them. They have not created the tense atmosphere that exists between current and former JWs. ++++++++++++++++++++++
A better analogy might for the WTS might be the Mafia. Once you join, you join for life. There is no honorable way out under any circumstance. You are either with us or you are dead to us. Furthermore, those who try their best to walk away peacefully are apparently now being tracked down and DA simply for refusing to meet with judicial committees. This is escalation and generates more hostility as the organization reaches out with its hooks trying to squelch all voices of dissent in a free society. It is simply ludicrous and highly problematic for everyone involved. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
From my perspective, the development of the Watchtower organization is following a predictable courser closely resembling that of the Catholic church. If they continue to escalate and refuse to listen to the legitimate calls for reform, we will have modern day "Inquisitions" followed by a fracturing/splintering of the organization. They'll finally come around to making necessary changes but far too late to avert tragedy.
Edited by - Lee Elder on 9 June 2002 13:42:16